Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today was our first full day in New Orleans! It was super cool to finally get a taste of the city, I've been picturing what it would be like for a long time and it's amazing to finally be here. Today we went on a "Tour of the Unbeaten Path" through United Saints, which was an eye-opening experience because it really centered around the corruption within New Orleans and how that played into the corruption of Hurricane Katrina. I really enjoyed the man that gave the tour, he was really good at telling his story and was so knowledgeable about the history and politics behind the Hurricane. He took us to historical sites like churches in the community and the birth places of jazz which I thought was really cool. There's so much culture and colorfulness in this city but it was so sad to see that see that there was barely anything left when we went to the lower ninth ward. What used to be the most densely populated neighborhood in New Orleans now is being taken over by nature because the rest of the families had to leave, and and because of the government corruption have little help of getting their homes back.


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