Saturday, March 23, 2013

We made it.
However tough it may have been for a group of college students to wake up and get to Hamline University at eight o'clock in the morning on the first day of spring break; but we made it and through sleepy eyes most of us looked excited or at the very least conscious.
We braved the long lines of of the Minneapolis airport, and survived landing in a snow storm in Denver, CO; and after a one hour layover that turned into a two hour layover, because of the snow,  we we're finally on a plane destined to New Orleans.
Coming into New Orleans, in the plane as we dipped back below the clouds and being able to see the ground, it seemed alien seeing green grass below. It seems obscure that only twelve hours ago we were pulling away from Hamline with three feet of snow on the ground and temperatures in the single digits and now to be sitting in humid bunk room in seventy degree weather. It's "spring break" and it is finally starting to feel like spring.
The big news of the day is that we are here and we are settled and all eleven of us made us alive.

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